Holy shit when I saw this on the portal my first tought was "Wait, this looks like that Green Knight Monty python skit I saw ages ago", what a surprise lol
Holy shit when I saw this on the portal my first tought was "Wait, this looks like that Green Knight Monty python skit I saw ages ago", what a surprise lol
There's probably at least one guy who didn't read the description and thinks I'm an egregious copycat.
War is brutal, and you made a good job capturing that feel, I just wish there was more story/context to really reaally know what's going on besides reading it on the description, anyways it's a beautiful animation nonetheless with great voice work and concept, hope you get to do more of this!
I had to sacrifice a lot to the cutting room floor, but I tried to pull it together the best I could. And yeah, the VO’s were great! Hopefully this idea can be pursued in the future.
I can seriously see this as a pilot, left me wanting to see more as well, good pacing, neat art style, smooth animation, sweet angles, consistent art, I just can say I want more of this honestly lol
Thank you so much! :D
Damn now I want some kind of series with this setting
Hopefully we will be able to make a video game series with this setting! At least we plan to do so.
Better than RNKN ones in my honest opinion, good job
Thanks, man. I still love RNKN's version way more.
Decent animation skills but it's butt ugly, you should work more in your designs
Everyone has their own tastes - This was made to my personal taste in animation and art, but to each their own!
I honestly bounced when Skitzo suddenly was holding the kid, good job man you really freaked me out lol
haha awesome! thanks man
I first watched this without seeing who made it, but when I saw when Link says: "Yeah that's interesting" I knew it was you I always loved your Link and the pig short, and I loved equally this one :) good job
Thank you! So glad you liked it!
Wow this was... stunning o.o it's all I can say, it's a whole new way to use sprites xD and I do sprite movies (also check them out when you have a free time :) ) the only thing that retains me of giving it 5 stars it's the style of sprites, 8-bit sprites are not my favorite ones but that's just me... I voted 5 so don't worry :)
Really appreciate your review and thank you very much for a 5 :)
I'll be sure to check your movies and leave couple of reviews ;)
Age 22
Joined on 8/4/14